Media & Entertainment

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Media & Entertainment

The Indian Media and Entertainment (M & E) industry is a booming sector for the economy and is making significant strives with the increasing availability of fast and cheap internet the increase in purchase of consumer durables have significantly aided the industry. Our team has been providing best service in Media and Entertainment laws to our clients which includes solutions within the legal and regulatory framework, advising on all aspects for incubation, production, development, publication to distribution to consultations, negotiations and agreement for employment, due diligence, publication and agency deals with, performances, collaborations and derivatives.

Key Areas –

i) Motion and television pictures – Our team advise clients on acquiring copyright works such as plays, films, scripts, books, format adaptation and former licensing.

ii) Brand endorsement and talent management – Our team provides consultancy to the brand ambassador/celebrities of our client in respect of celebrity management arrangements, television shows, OTT shows, consults agreements, contracts for live performances, brand endorsements, music, publishing internet and digital media, social media advertising amongst others.

iii) Digital Media and internet – Our team has also advised in technology and intellectual property transactions to our clients and also matters involving online documentary, privacy rights, e-advertisements and consumer safeguards.

iv) Publishing – Our team has an expertise to provide support in traditional and digital publishing, interactive entertainments, books, publishing houses and others.

v) Entertainment/Media law solution – Our team members have been representing our clients in the following issues – which includes telecast right, anti-trust and pricing, intellectual property disputes etc. Our solution are listed below –

  • Counselling before broadcast
  • Contract for talent reality shows
  • Contracts for celebrities/artists
  • Contract for directors
  • Contract for music director, writer
  • Contracts for agency, distribution and syndication
  • Television format rights and script options and purchases
  • Dispute resolutions arbitration and litigation
  • To acquire licenses agreement solutions for multimedia digital technology

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+91 33 22623813

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